Square Donut

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Our CD 'In this world'

Our CD, recorded at Coach House Studios in Blackpool, is now complete. The CD is called 'In this world', which is the title of the first song on the CD and was written by the band. Have a listen below. All the other tracks are classic top 20 hits of the 50's, 60's and 70's.
The tracks are     1.  In this world     2.  Meet me on the corner      3.  Bus stop     4.  Theme for young lovers
5.  All I have to do is dream     6.  I think of you      7.  Bad to me     8.  When my little girl is smiling
Purchase the CD 'In this world' for �5.99 including postage and packing.


                                                                                     In this world �2018

Public events played

Midge Hall Methodist Church gig - 26th October 2019

A welcome return to Midge Hall Methodist church, everyone had a great evening singing along with us and dancing. Here is a link to a video of some of the evening     Click here

Eccleston Primary School summer festival gig - 6th July 2019

This is the email received from the Headteacher on the 8th July

I'm just writing to pass on my sincere thanks for your time and performance on Saturday at our festival. You were fabulous and started the Saturday off brilliantly. I personally loved your set and selection of songs and there was so much positive feedback about you! Thank you also for the shout out for the Beatles medley - it was a personal highlight!
Thank you so much for giving up your time and talents, it really is very much appreciated!!
Kind regards,
Eccleston Primary School

Midge Hall Methodist Church charity gig - 19th October 2018

We had a great time playing this gig and would like to thank everyone for giving us a very warm welcome. It was good to hear everyone singing along with us and dancing during the second spot. �524 was raised on the night to add to the organ fund.